Sunday, April 27, 2008


Confederate Memorial Day was celebrated in Fayette Co. this
weekend at the park in downtown Fayetteville. There was a
living history exhibit behind the Holliday-Dorsey-Fife House
museum earlier in the day. A memorial service was then held
at the gazebo at 7pm..Following the service was a march
with Confederate States flags and visitors to the Fayetteville Cemetery where further memorial services were held, including a wreath laying and an honor guard salute to our fallen heroes.
To see the many photos taken, go to the Sons of Confederate
Veterans web site, Photos page 4.

Friday, April 18, 2008

"Today in Fayetteville" April 20, 1906

Springtime in early 1900's Fayetteville was a time for marriages and preparation for Confederate Memorial Day. Go back in time with me to April 20, 1906.

The Fayetteville News
April 20, 1906

Wedding Bells Ring Out in Fayetteville

Two happy marriages, Miss Tommie Sam's, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Mrs. M.D. Sam's of Woolsey was happily married at their home Tuesday afternoon, 17th. to Dr. Thomas Culpepper of Greenville. Rev. John Speir of Greenville performed the ceremony in an impressive and solemn manner.
Miss Sam's is really a beautiful woman, possessed of a gentle and lovable disposition, and is a favorite at home and elsewhere. Dr. Culpepper is a pharmacist of skill and a gentleman of culture and refinement, and one of Merriwether county's most popular young men.

A happy marriage was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Dorsett last Sunday afternoon, That of their attractive and lovely daughter, to Dr. Edgar E. Dixon, the groom is a Pharmacist at the Fayetteville Drug Co. Having recently passed a creditable and successful graduation before the state board of Pharmacist. He is industrious, sober and reliable.

Exercises and Songs for Memorial day

Next Thursday, April 26, will be Memorial Day. The whole South will render appropriate exercises in honor of the worlds greatest heroes, the battle scarred veterans and the lost dead of the bloody sixties.
Fayette Co. will respond to the inspiration of loyalty and patriotism, and pay loving tribute to our departed fathers, brothers and kindred who so nobly defended the home land we now claim and the homes which we then occupied.

Addresses by Col. W.C. Wright of Newnan. The program was arranged by the ladies of the Fayette Co. Memorial Assn.
The veterans of the Co. will assemble at the South front of the courthouse and March to the tabernacle and occupy the front seats on the right of the aisle. Committee of young ladies will meet the veterans at the court house and pin a bouquet on each of them.
The Sons of Veterans, organized at Hopewell, will meet at the North front of the court house, and march to the tabernacle.
The graves of every Confederate soldier will be decorated after the exercise.

Miss Sarah McEachern who has been teaching school at Marion, has returned home.
Mr. Manson Simpson and beautiful daughter, Miss Wille, were guest of Mr. A.E. Adams and family one night last week.
Mrs. Shopshire and Miss Ethel McEachern were the guest of Mrs. Rachel McEachern on night last week.

researched and submitted by CB Glover

Saturday, April 12, 2008

"Today in Fayetteville" June 25, 1909

Another look into Fayette County's past, gives us an idea of the things that were of interest to our ancestors. With Confederate Memorial Day approaching, my next article will look into the
early 1900s, showing our Confederate history was still an important part of our lives... We still celebrate and honor our Confederate ancestors with an annual Memorial Day service, which will be held Saturday, April 26, in the Heritage Park, downtown Fayetteville. 7pm. A living history exhibit will be located behind the Holliday House Museum, earlier in the day.

The Fayetteville News
June 25, 1909

One of the most enjoyable occasions of the year was the anniversary of Hon. W.T. Glower's birthday which occurred at his home in Fayetteville Sunday. He celebrated his 78Th birthday and all his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were present. Fifty-five sat down to his hospitable board, which was filled with all the good things of the season. He received many handsome presents and the occasion was one long to be remembered.
Mr. J.H. Farr, formerly of this County, but now a resident of Campbell Co. was on our streets Tuesday. Mr. Farr is approaching his 80Th birthday.

Constitution of C.S.A.

Historic documentation on exhibition in the Library of Congress
Original copy loaned to the Government by J.W. De Renne of Savannah, Ga.
Washington D.C.-There has been deposited in the Library of Congress and placed on exhibition in the manuscripts division, the original " Constitution of the Confederate States of America."
The Constitution was adapted on March 11, 1861, by the Confederate Congress at Montgomery, Alabama.
Upon the evacuation of Richmond, was sent with other papers further south, where it was rescued by Mr. F.G. Defontaine, at Chester S.C. from a band of looters.
Mr. Defontaine kept this and other documents for some years and in 1883, it passed into the hands of Mrs. G.W.J. De Renne, whose son, Mr. W.J. De Renne, of Savannah, Ga. now owns it, and has recently deposited it as a loan with the Library of Congress.
Atlanta, Ga.-The population of Ga. at the present time approximates 3,000,000 persons.

- Researched and submitted by C.B. Glover

Saturday, April 5, 2008

"Today in Fayetteville" October 1, 1909

Enjoy another look into the exciting happening in Fayette County's past...
                           The Fayetteville News
                                    October 1, 1909
                  The Wild West and Far East Show
Many interesting features will be seen with the Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill Exhibition.
Much interest has been aroused in this vicinity through the announced appearance of Buffalo Bills Wild West and Pawnee Bills Far East show at Atlanta, Oct 20, 1909.
Col. William F. Cody, the original and only "Buffalo Bill", travels with the big exhibition and positively appears at every performance, rain or shin, arrangements have been made with the railroad officials to run excursions at special rates from the various stations along the line and there will be special provisions for the accommodation of those who wish to visit the exhibition. To the small boy and grown up Buffalo Bill will be the chief attraction, for his fame is not dimmed by the years that have elapsed since he helped write the story of the west through his heroic deeds.
                                 Composer of "Dixie"
               Daniel Decatur Emmett to be memorialized
Committee of well known Southerners will meet in Nashville to perfect plans to raise funds. As to the form of the memorial, it is believed that the committee and those whom they call into consultation will favor a simple shaft of Granite or marble.
The poem was written and set to music in the summer of 1859.
The last appearance of Emmett was in the winter of 1896-7,
while on tour that season the aged minstrel celebrated his 84th natal anniversary at Dallas, Txs. and the Daughters of the Confederacy there presented the old gentleman with a gold watch. In the Spring he sickened and retired to his home in Mount Vernon, Ohio. Lost to public attention and memory until his death in July 1904.
Researched and submitted by CB Glover