Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Today in Fayetteville" April 28, 1933

From "The Fayetteville Enterprise" April 28, 1933. "Our venerable city clock is smiling brightly these days under a new coat of paint, recently applied by a steeply-jack under the direction of the County Commissioners Burch, Jackson and Jenkins. The faithful old timepiece, which has ticked away the seconds with consistent regularity for these many years, although somewhat unreliable about the business of striking the hours, was considerable weather-beaten and disfigured by the actions of the elements. Now each numeral is plainly visible from almost any point in the city. We congratulate the commissioners on the appearance of the clock."
Article by Betty Anne Sims
Submitted by CB Glover

Saturday, June 14, 2008

"Today in Fayetteville" January 9, 1891

Join me for another look into Fayetteville's past. Shopping could not be better in early 1891.
                          The Fayetteville News
                                January 9, 1891
                           Mules! Mules! Mules!
Another fine lot of Kentucky mules to arrive Monday. We will sell cheaper than any market in Georgia.
                                                            Blalock & Mitchell
The largest and most elegant line of dress goods ever brought to Fayetteville at Blalock's.
If you want a Buggy, don't by till you see us. We will sell you a first class vehicle cheaper than you can buy it any where else.                                     S.T. & A.O. Blalock
                               Sewing Machines
We have just received a fine assortment of celebrated White sewing Machines.
                                                        S.T. & A.O. Blalock
Celebrated Milburn and Tennessee wagons always on hand at Blalocks.
                                 Local News
Inman, Ga.- Inman is a boom town.  Dr. Weldon will soon have completed a large and commodious dwelling.
W.S. Starr's beautiful residence is nearly ready to be occupied. J.L. McLucas will in a few days move into his new house.
                      A Corpse with $5,000 in jewelry
The largest amount of jewelry known to be in a single grave was buried in Greenwood Cemetery several years ago. The undertaker protested against it, but was severely snubbed for his interference. The family had its way, and in that grave is buried, fully $5,000 worth of diamonds.
Jonesboro, Ga.- Our new hotel opened last week, but owing to inclement weather the opening ball was postponed. Mrs. R.W. Jones is the proprietress and that fact insures the success of the house.
submitted by CB Glover