Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Today in Fayetteville" September 15, 1891


                                 THE FAYETTEVILLE NEWS

                                           Sept. 15, 1991

Inman, Ga.

The summer is gone, The soft, sweet tones of the "belle" are heard no more, if we are to judge from the forlorn expression of the faces of some of our boys.

While attempting to kindle a fire in the furnace of his steam engine, the other day, Mr JB Hightower had his face badly burned. We are glad to say however, that he is improving rapidly now and we think he will soon be well again. 

The lumber is on the grounds and the building in process of erection for the co-operative Alliance store at Inman.

Rev CM Verdel preached a learned and impressive sermon at Liberty Sunday, Text: Looking diligently lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel  of meat sold his birthright, Hebrew X11, 16. Subject: The downfall of the wrong and triumph of the right. As usual, he handled his subject magnificently.

Bring your cotton to Fayetteville

Fine tobacco at Davis and Kerlin

Fine dress goods, just opened, at ST and AO Blalock

Our town will be crowded with people next week attending court. 

The confederate veterans of the county meet today at the court house.

It is the thought that the next term of our school will be the most prosperous one in  its history. There is no better place to send your children than to the Fayetteville High school.

Dr JE Tucker has moved his office. He can be found in the little building between the jail  and JW Kitchens store in the day and at the Burks House at night.

Atlanta & Florida Railroad Schedule south bound

Atlanta                         4:00 PM

Yard                            4:15

Selina                          4:59

Fayetteville                  5:15

June                            5:52

Williamson                   6:17

Zebulon                       6:30

Junc. Upson Co. RR    7:00

Yatesville Junc.           7:14

Leave "     "                  7:30

Arrive Chiloden            7:43

Arrive Knoxville            8:12

arrive Fort Valley         8:50

 Submitted CB Glover