Saturday, October 17, 2009

New Displays Fayette Museum

When I went by the Fayette Museum today I noticed several new displays and items, one of which is called the "Victorian Mourning Exhibit" I took several photos, which are on Photos  page 2 of the Historical Society's web site. They can also be seen by clicking on "Victorian Mourning Exhibit"  to the right of the  Fayette Museum photo. This  is an excellent place to visit with family and friends. See John Lynch, curator, for details.

CB Glover

Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Today in Fayetteville" January 13, 1905

Interesting happenings in early 1905

                                        The Fayetteville News

                                                 January 13, 1905


Rigid Vaccination Ordered

The appearance of smallpox in the Dasher district, Lowndes county, has made the Valdosta city officials take a determined stand to prevent the disease coming to the city.

A strict quarantine has been established against the infected districts and rigid vaccination laws have been adopted. The names of all the infected houses in the Dasher district and parties from them will be arrested and sent to the pest house unless they are able to show a good health certificate.


Jack Bone Escapes the Noose

Jack Bone, the floyd county murderer, sentenced to death for the murder of farmer Zach Hall, has been pronounced insane by a commission of physicians appointed by Governor Terrell, and instead of going to the gallows, he has been sent to the state sanitarium at Millegeville, there to remain until his sanity shall have been restored.

Local News

We regret to note that Sq. Ben Adams is very ill at this time.

Misses Ola and Mary Lou Adams visited their grandfather, Mr. McElwaney, of near Hopewell, one night last week

Miss Cora Thomas and Mr. Henry Norton both of this Community, were happily married Dec, 23, 1904. We extend to the happy couple best wishes.

Paul Adams was hauling two sisters Sunday afternoon. Guess he thinks if he cant get one he will take the other.

There is a certain man in our community who killed a hog last week, and after he hung it up, he went into the house to get a knife to cut it up, and when he came back the cats had the hog and were gone.......where,  he did not know.

The many friends of Miss Vergie Chapman will be glad to know she is rapidly improving from her recent illness.

To Observe Lee's Birthday

State School Commissioner WB Merritt has prepared a very attractive pamphlet which he is now sending out to the different schools in the state to be used as a program for exercises which are to be held on the birthday of General Robert E Lee. The birthday of the great general comes on January 19th, and in every school in  Georgia there will no doubt be some observance made of the occasion.

submitted by CB Glover