Saturday, March 29, 2008

"Today in Fayetteville" April 30, 1909

                                      The Fayetteville News
                                              April 30, 1909
                                              Local News
Mr Coe Fields, of Atlanta, died suddenly at his home in Atlanta
last Sunday. For many years Mr. Fields lived in the lower part of this county. His remains were brought to Antioch and entered at the cemetery at that place last Monday evening.
Next Friday afternoon , May 7, will be memorial Day at Hopewell near  Tyrone. An interesting program has been prepared and a growing interest is being manifested in the exercise at this place each year. There are many Confederate soldiers buried in the Hopewell Cemetery and a large crowd is expected to attend.
I am now prepared to do repair work on bicycles and have repair materials for sale. Also on request for new wheels, come and see me.
                                                                   W.H. Holt
                                                                   at railroad
                                          Sandy Creek
Mr. James Kerlin, of this place, who has been sick for some time, died at his home last Thursday and his remains were laid to rest at Union Grove. The family have our heart felt sympathy.
                          The return of Confederate flags
Captured banners will be delivered at Huntsville, Alabama.
Cincinnati, Ohio- Details for the return of the Confederate battle flags, captured by the 4Th Ohio Calvary at Selma, Alabama, near the close of the Civil War, are now in the hands of Governor Comer of Alabama. It will take place at Huntsville,
 May 12.
Captain John A. Pitts of this city, received a letter from Governor Harmon stating that the captured flags will be sent to this city, so that any of the old veterans who may care to view them may do so.
submitted by CB Glover

Saturday, March 22, 2008

"Today in Fayetteville" November 26, 1909

Interesting happenings in Fayette County are reflected in the local newspapers.
Hope you enjoy another look into our past...


           November 26,1909

                 HOME AFFAIRS


On account of high priced oil, I am making a liberal exchange for seed. Don't wait to late.

Mr. H.G. Gilbert has accepted a place with the Farmers and Merchants Bank in Senoia.. Howard is an
excellent boy and we feel sure will fill his place with credit to himself and town.

Miss Essie Green, of near New Hope, and Mr. Marcus Brown, of Ebenezer, were married here last Sunday
 by Judge S.B. Lewis. We wish them a pleasant journey through life.

Last Saturday the twelve year old boy of Pink Murphey while removing saw dust from the mill of H.N. Cargile,
 had his hand caught in the saw and it was necessary to amputate his right hand above the wrist.
He is doing nicely.

Mr.T.M. McGough, of this place, and Miss Lizzie Walker of Turin, were happily married at the brides home in
Turin last Sunday.

Mr W.J. Stevens formerly of this place, but of late years a resident of Atlanta, died in Atlanta Tuesday after
suffering from heart failure. His remains were brought here Wednesday evening and entered in the
cemetery. He was married to Miss Annie Travis of this place

Death of Mr. John Coleman

 Mr. John Coleman died at his home near Fife last Friday after an illness of several months.  Mr. Coleman
 was born about one mile south of this place, June 20, 1839, and lived in the county all his life.
He enlisted in Co. I, 10th Ga. Regiment June 12,1861, and was in every battle of his company except 2.
 He was captured 3 days before the surrender at Salem Creek. He was married to Miss A.R. Thornton Oct. 27,
1868. His remains were placed in the Thornton Cemetery near his old homestead.

Uncle Lewis Middlebrooks was in town Monday. He is near 100 years old and walked several miles and
did not seem the least tired. He has lived in the county 60 or 70 years and bids fair to live many years yet.

Submitted by C.B. Glover

Sunday, March 16, 2008

"Today in Fayetteville" October 8, 1909

Today in Fayetteville, Oct. 8, 1909
Home Affairs

For Sale--One good piano, in good condition.
Mrs. S.R. Adams
Fayetteville, Ga.
Phone # 62

J.J. Davis and C.W. Martin have bough the furniture store of Charles Graves and will do business under the name of Davis and Martin. These are both good business men and no doubt will give our city an up-to-date furniture store..


E.A. Huckaby came very near losing his life last Monday evening. He was having a new well dug on his premises and went down into the well shortly after they had used a charge of dynamite. He succumbed at once from heart failure and asphyxiation. It was difficult to get him out and his life was was dispaired of for some time after landing on Terra firma. However he is doing nicely at present.

Messrs. James Milam and Otis Stephens have purchased themselves a new buggy. Look out girls..

Last Monday your "uncle Primas" had occasion to drive through the county, Some distance in our route came in contact with two or three automobiles. On account of our "Quadruped" being exceedingly shy of those machines, we always had to either quit the road or detach said quadraped from our vehicle. Now we believe those owning horses and mules have a good right on the public highway as those who are able to own automobiles. And the fore said owners of horses and mules are the ones who pay public taxes and keep the public highway in passable condition. Therefore be it resolved by us that we keep our road and force the auto riders to build themselves a highway exclusive from those the honorable public are using..

Researched and submitted by CB Glover
Source: The Fayetteville News