Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Today in Fayetteville" April 9, 1909

Let us take another look at the exciting local and world changes going on in Fayetteville in the early 1900s. Modern changes are occurring in our town.


                                  The Fayetteville News

                                           April 9, 1909

The acetylene light, now lights our streets at night. For some time the town has suffered for this much needed necessity. Fayetteville is making strides forward that should not be checked and we are glad to see our mayor and cancel trying to keep the public 

conveniences as near up with the times as possible.

                                  Admiral Cervera Dead

Was commander of the Spanish Fleet in the Battle of Santiago,

Cuba on the outbreak of the War with the United States. He

sailed from Cape Verde Islands with 4 cruisers and 3 torpedo boat destroyers, in April 1898.  Entered the harbor of Santiago, Cuba May 19 and lost his entire fleet off that Port July 3, in an attempt

to force his way through Admiral Sampson's blockading squadron.

                                   Serum for  diphtheria

                    Board of health ready to furnish anti-toxin.

Atlanta, Ga.- A sufficient amount of anti-toxin for diphtheria to

supply the wants of the entire state. Physicians may secure any amount, free of cost, by writing or telegraphing to the Secretary

of the Board, in care of the Laboratories in the State Capital.

                                     Local News

Mr. John I Kerlin was elected Superintendent of our Sunday School last Sunday.

As Mr. Brown resigned being unable to attend regularly.

Miss Lizzie McEachern has returned from Athens where she has been in school several months.

Prisons everywhere are over crowded  More Criminals an paupers are now confined in state and county institutions than ever before. Hard times and undesirable aliens are chiefly blamed.

researched and submitted by CB Glover

Friday, July 4, 2008

"Today in Fayetteville" January 3, 1913

Fayetteville and its people are busy in early 1913. Join me in a look at the headlines of the Fayetteville News.
                                 The Fayetteville News
                                         January 13, 1913
                                                     Home Affairs
Mr. W.C. Parrott will move on Fairburn St. next week, he comes from the western part of the county, and will be with the road gang this year.
Miss Winna Blalock Left this week for Milledgeville, where she will enter the G.N. and I College. She is attentive to her work, and no doubt will make a good Pupil.
Mr. James Harper, of Fife, has purchased the barber shop of Gilmore Garland, and promises a first class shop.  Mr. and Mrs. Harper belong to the best families of the county and our people are glad they are to make their home here another year.
Mr John Cox and family have moved to their home near Sandy Creek, They have resided here several years, and we regret to lose their citizenship, but congratulate the people of that community in having them as neighbors this year.
Miss. Hermie Means, educated at Bessie Tift Collage and Georgia State Normal with six years experience, will have charge of the primary Dept of the Fayetteville high school. Miss. Means comes to us highly recommended and is splendidly equipped by training and experience to teach primary pupils.
Miss mattie Cena Blalock and Mr. L.A, Ingram were married Tuesday morning, Rev. W.J. DeBardeleben performed the impressive ceremony in the presence of a few friends, the wedding being a quiet one. Miss. Blalock is the daughter of the Hon. A.O. Blalock, is of fine character and was on of our cities most popular young ladies. Mr. Ingram was reared in Henry County and came here about sixteen months ago. he is industrious and has proven to be one of our best young business men.
Judge S.B. Lewis retires as Ordinary and chairman of the Board of Commissioners. Mr. J.J. Davis assumed the duties of Ordinary and chairman of the board of Commissioners Wednesday. T.M. Kerlin and A.A. Coggins assumed their duties as commissioners. J.W. Dison and J.Q. Landrum assumed their duties as members.
Researched and submitted by CB Glover