New construction was on the schedule for the summer of 1917. Railroad crossings were a danger in the early years as they are now.. The Fayetteville News June 22, 1917 Mrs. Minnie Turner and son, Fred, killed by train in Jonesboro Last Sunday afternoon about 5 o'clock a central passenger train from Atlanta to Macon smashed into the automobile of Mr. JE Adams at the crossing North of the depot in Jonesboro killing and injuring the six occupants of the car. In the car were Mrs. Minnie Turner and 4 year old son, Fred, of Clayton Co. Misses Cora Denham, Grace Dorsett, Mr Ursie Denham and driver, Mr. Adams, all of near Union Groove. The party had spent the day at a birthday celebration of Mr JR Jackson, and were returning by way of Stockbridge road. Mrs Turner was a daughter of JR Jackson. The funeral exercises were conducted Monday afternoon at Flat Creek Church by Rev WJ DeBardeleben. The Redwine Brothers The Redwine Brothers have contracted with Mr. JC Woods to superintend the work on their two story brick building on the North side of the public square. The building will be 51x120 feet. The front of the lower story will be glass and this story will be used by the Redwine brothers for their office and Ford Automobiles. The second story will be offices and will be for rent. The building will add much to the appearance in the north block. Notice to Veterans The Paul J Semmes Camp # 832 UCV in Fayetteville, will be at the court house at 10:00 am on the 1st Tuesday in July TN Farr, Commander Submitted by CB Glover |
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Today in Fayetteville June 22, 1917
Monday, November 3, 2008
Let us step back in time and see what the Fayetteville News had to say in 1891 March 13,1891 Carriage Nomenclature The popular Hanson carriage derives its distinguishing title from Mr. Hanson. The Brougham carriage, which was first used by the famous lord Brougham, took its title from that nobleman. To Tell the Age of Horses The other day we met a gentleman from Alabama, who gave us a piece of information into accessing the age of a horse after it has passed the ninth year, which was quite new to us, and will be, we are sure, to most of our readers. It is this; after a horse is 9 years old a wrinkle comes in the eye lid at the upper corner of the lower lid, and every year there after he has one well defined wrinkle for each year of his age over 9 years old. If for instance a horse has 3 wrinkles, he is twelve, so says the gentleman, and he is confident it will never fail. News and Notes for Women Dress skirts for street wear are lengthening in spite of all protest. But extremely tidy women do not adopt them. Very beautiful and stylish are the new Paris Challies just introduced. The patterns run to the buds and blossoms of all the flowers. The style most in use for luncheon parties is pure white with this, any ornamental and floral decorations my be employed. The careful manner with which Queen Victoria compiles and corrects the "court circular" entitles her to be termed the leading editor in all her realms. |
Friday, October 17, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" Dec. 4, 1903
Another look into our past. Cold weather seems to be plaguing our relatives in late 1903 The Fayetteville News December 4, 1903
The extremely cold weather put our people behind with their work. A few warm days now and we will be through gathering some small grain saved and some plowing done proprietary to another crop.
George Carder and family left last Monday for south Georgia. We wish them health and success in their new home.
Miss ellie shipp has been suffering with her left hand of late.
We are glad to know that Jeff nations is improving very rapidly. He had the miss fortune to get both arms broken by being thrown over the shafting at his fathers gin.
A wee lady is stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lloyd.
I hearby announce myself a candidate for reelection for sheriff of this county. I desire to sincerely thank my friends for their support in the past.... Albert P Sams submitted and researched by CB Glover |
Saturday, September 27, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" January 2, 1903
Fayetteville was having some cold weather early in 1903. Let us see what the Fayetteville News had to say about these conditions... Fayetteville News January 2, 1903 Coldest of the Season
Every section of the country was in winters icy grip the coldest weather of the winter prevailed Friday through the united states.
Louisville 9 degrees, which is 21 degrees below normal. Nashville 14, Chattanooga 16, Memphis 20, Atlanta 18, and little rock 22 degrees.
The young people enjoyed an old fashioned shindig at Mr. James peavys Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. john evens had a family reunion and Christmas dinner on DEC 25th. Mr. BM Harrison, who spent Christmas with home folks here returned to oxford Tuesday to resume his studies at Emory.
Mr. and Mrs. AP sams entertained a party of young people at their home Monday night. This was one of the most pleasant parties of young people of Fayetteville during the entire holiday season.
submitted by CB glover |
Sunday, September 14, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" December 1, 1905
Another interesting look into Fayetteville's history... TheFayettevilleNews Dec. 1, 1905 Ex-congressman's wife killed and several others badly hurt. Mrs Frances Burton Harrison, the wife of Ex-congressman Harrison, was instantly killed in an automobile accident in Long Island City. The machine became uncontrollable on a steep hill, plunged to the side of the road and turned over. Mrs Harrison neck was broken, Lawrence Scott, and wife were injured and Charles Crocker, brother of Mrs Harrison and the chauffeur were slightly hurt. Lyman Hall laboratory dedicated The memory of Dr Lyman Hall, late president of the Georgia School of Technology was fittingly honored when memorial services were held in the Tech chapel at Atlanta a few days ago. FAYETTEVILLE PHONE EXCHANGE W.B. Roberts, manager, Atlanta, Ga. Miss Vara Coppege, operator Fayetteville exchange. W.M. Garrison, assistant, and night operator. Local rural lines to any county residence, mills, farms, ginneries, etc. get in talking distance with the business world. for phones apply to above named manager or local employees. SIX MILLION PEOPLE Six million people are dependent on rail roads for a living. In round numbers the wages for the railway employs amount to 500,000,000 a year. Judge and Mrs W.T. Glower have announced the engagement of their granddaughter and ward, Miss Ozella Adams, to Rupert Waller of Raleigh, Ga. The wedding will occur at the residence on Railroad St. at an early date. The News extends congratulations in advance. Submitted by CB Glover |
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" April 20, 1898
Thursday, August 7, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" January 15, 1917
Let us take a look into Fayette County's past through the eyes of the "Fayetteville News" The Fayetteville News January 15, 1917 Home Affairs Mr. John Norton died at his home two miles east of here last week, and the remains interred at the Drennon Burying ground. he is survived by his wife and four children. Mrs JW Culpepper was called to Greenville last Sunday because of a severe case of measles of her daughter, Miss Mae. Late reports say she is improving. Rev. RF Eakes who represents the Wesleyan Christian Advocate, spent the weekend with Rev. AB Sanders and preached at the Methodist Church Sunday. The ladies missionary society of the Baptist church observed the week of prayer this week and met Monday with Mrs. LA Ingram, Wednesday with ML Seagraves and Thursday with CD Redwine. Mrs. Archie McEachern and Sister spent Sunday night and Monday with Mrs. ML McEachern at New Hope. The family of Mrs Crawley all have measles. Sheriffs Sale One five passenger overland touring car, black body and yellow running gear. Levied on by FB Brown. Sheriff by virtue of a mortgage issued from the Superior Court of said county and against TW Head and turned over to me for sale. TM Kerlin, Sheriff Miss. Sallie Chapman and Mr. Luther mask were happily married last Sunday. Their many friends join the News in congratulations. Another Confederate Veteran crossed to the Beyond. Mr. WM Cook died at his home near the Rock Church last Saturday and remains placed in the Rock Cemetery Sunday with Masonic honors. Mr. Cook was 73 years old. He enlisted in 1861 Co. L 4th Mississippi Reg. and honorably discharged South Carolina 1865. Submitted by CB Glover |
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" April 9, 1909
Let us take another look at the exciting local and world changes going on in Fayetteville in the early 1900s. Modern changes are occurring in our town.
The Fayetteville News April 9, 1909 The acetylene light, now lights our streets at night. For some time the town has suffered for this much needed necessity. Fayetteville is making strides forward that should not be checked and we are glad to see our mayor and cancel trying to keep the public conveniences as near up with the times as possible. Admiral Cervera Dead Was commander of the Spanish Fleet in the Battle of Santiago, Cuba on the outbreak of the War with the United States. He sailed from Cape Verde Islands with 4 cruisers and 3 torpedo boat destroyers, in April 1898. Entered the harbor of Santiago, Cuba May 19 and lost his entire fleet off that Port July 3, in an attempt to force his way through Admiral Sampson's blockading squadron. Serum for diphtheria Board of health ready to furnish anti-toxin. Atlanta, Ga.- A sufficient amount of anti-toxin for diphtheria to supply the wants of the entire state. Physicians may secure any amount, free of cost, by writing or telegraphing to the Secretary of the Board, in care of the Laboratories in the State Capital. Local News Mr. John I Kerlin was elected Superintendent of our Sunday School last Sunday. As Mr. Brown resigned being unable to attend regularly. Miss Lizzie McEachern has returned from Athens where she has been in school several months. Prisons everywhere are over crowded More Criminals an paupers are now confined in state and county institutions than ever before. Hard times and undesirable aliens are chiefly blamed. researched and submitted by CB Glover |
Friday, July 4, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" January 3, 1913
Fayetteville and its people are busy in early 1913. Join me in a look at the headlines of the Fayetteville News. The Fayetteville News January 13, 1913 Home Affairs Mr. W.C. Parrott will move on Fairburn St. next week, he comes from the western part of the county, and will be with the road gang this year. Miss Winna Blalock Left this week for Milledgeville, where she will enter the G.N. and I College. She is attentive to her work, and no doubt will make a good Pupil. Mr. James Harper, of Fife, has purchased the barber shop of Gilmore Garland, and promises a first class shop. Mr. and Mrs. Harper belong to the best families of the county and our people are glad they are to make their home here another year. Mr John Cox and family have moved to their home near Sandy Creek, They have resided here several years, and we regret to lose their citizenship, but congratulate the people of that community in having them as neighbors this year. Miss. Hermie Means, educated at Bessie Tift Collage and Georgia State Normal with six years experience, will have charge of the primary Dept of the Fayetteville high school. Miss. Means comes to us highly recommended and is splendidly equipped by training and experience to teach primary pupils. Miss mattie Cena Blalock and Mr. L.A, Ingram were married Tuesday morning, Rev. W.J. DeBardeleben performed the impressive ceremony in the presence of a few friends, the wedding being a quiet one. Miss. Blalock is the daughter of the Hon. A.O. Blalock, is of fine character and was on of our cities most popular young ladies. Mr. Ingram was reared in Henry County and came here about sixteen months ago. he is industrious and has proven to be one of our best young business men. Judge S.B. Lewis retires as Ordinary and chairman of the Board of Commissioners. Mr. J.J. Davis assumed the duties of Ordinary and chairman of the board of Commissioners Wednesday. T.M. Kerlin and A.A. Coggins assumed their duties as commissioners. J.W. Dison and J.Q. Landrum assumed their duties as members. Researched and submitted by CB Glover |
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" April 28, 1933
From "The Fayetteville Enterprise" April 28, 1933. "Our venerable city clock is smiling brightly these days under a new coat of paint, recently applied by a steeply-jack under the direction of the County Commissioners Burch, Jackson and Jenkins. The faithful old timepiece, which has ticked away the seconds with consistent regularity for these many years, although somewhat unreliable about the business of striking the hours, was considerable weather-beaten and disfigured by the actions of the elements. Now each numeral is plainly visible from almost any point in the city. We congratulate the commissioners on the appearance of the clock." Article by Betty Anne Sims Submitted by CB Glover |
Saturday, June 14, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" January 9, 1891
Join me for another look into Fayetteville's past. Shopping could not be better in early 1891. The Fayetteville News January 9, 1891 Mules! Mules! Mules! Another fine lot of Kentucky mules to arrive Monday. We will sell cheaper than any market in Georgia. Blalock & Mitchell The largest and most elegant line of dress goods ever brought to Fayetteville at Blalock's. Buggies If you want a Buggy, don't by till you see us. We will sell you a first class vehicle cheaper than you can buy it any where else. S.T. & A.O. Blalock Sewing Machines We have just received a fine assortment of celebrated White sewing Machines. S.T. & A.O. Blalock Celebrated Milburn and Tennessee wagons always on hand at Blalocks. Local News Inman, Ga.- Inman is a boom town. Dr. Weldon will soon have completed a large and commodious dwelling. W.S. Starr's beautiful residence is nearly ready to be occupied. J.L. McLucas will in a few days move into his new house. A Corpse with $5,000 in jewelry The largest amount of jewelry known to be in a single grave was buried in Greenwood Cemetery several years ago. The undertaker protested against it, but was severely snubbed for his interference. The family had its way, and in that grave is buried, fully $5,000 worth of diamonds. Jonesboro, Ga.- Our new hotel opened last week, but owing to inclement weather the opening ball was postponed. Mrs. R.W. Jones is the proprietress and that fact insures the success of the house. submitted by CB Glover |
Monday, May 26, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" Oct. 5. 1906
Sunday, May 11, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" Sept. 3, 1909
Sunday, May 4, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" Feb. 8, 1895
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" April 20, 1906
Springtime in early 1900's Fayetteville was a time for marriages and preparation for Confederate Memorial Day. Go back in time with me to April 20, 1906.
The Fayetteville News
April 20, 1906
Wedding Bells Ring Out in Fayetteville
Two happy marriages, Miss Tommie Sam's, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Mrs. M.D. Sam's of Woolsey was happily married at their home Tuesday afternoon, 17th. to Dr. Thomas Culpepper of Greenville. Rev. John Speir of Greenville performed the ceremony in an impressive and solemn manner.
Miss Sam's is really a beautiful woman, possessed of a gentle and lovable disposition, and is a favorite at home and elsewhere. Dr. Culpepper is a pharmacist of skill and a gentleman of culture and refinement, and one of Merriwether county's most popular young men.
A happy marriage was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Dorsett last Sunday afternoon, That of their attractive and lovely daughter, to Dr. Edgar E. Dixon, the groom is a Pharmacist at the Fayetteville Drug Co. Having recently passed a creditable and successful graduation before the state board of Pharmacist. He is industrious, sober and reliable.
Exercises and Songs for Memorial day
Next Thursday, April 26, will be Memorial Day. The whole South will render appropriate exercises in honor of the worlds greatest heroes, the battle scarred veterans and the lost dead of the bloody sixties.
Fayette Co. will respond to the inspiration of loyalty and patriotism, and pay loving tribute to our departed fathers, brothers and kindred who so nobly defended the home land we now claim and the homes which we then occupied.
Addresses by Col. W.C. Wright of Newnan. The program was arranged by the ladies of the Fayette Co. Memorial Assn.
The veterans of the Co. will assemble at the South front of the courthouse and March to the tabernacle and occupy the front seats on the right of the aisle. Committee of young ladies will meet the veterans at the court house and pin a bouquet on each of them.
The Sons of Veterans, organized at Hopewell, will meet at the North front of the court house, and march to the tabernacle.
The graves of every Confederate soldier will be decorated after the exercise.
Miss Sarah McEachern who has been teaching school at Marion, has returned home.
Mr. Manson Simpson and beautiful daughter, Miss Wille, were guest of Mr. A.E. Adams and family one night last week.
Mrs. Shopshire and Miss Ethel McEachern were the guest of Mrs. Rachel McEachern on night last week.
researched and submitted by CB Glover
Saturday, April 12, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" June 25, 1909
early 1900s, showing our Confederate history was still an important part of our lives... We still celebrate and honor our Confederate ancestors with an annual Memorial Day service, which will be held Saturday, April 26, in the Heritage Park, downtown Fayetteville. 7pm. A living history exhibit will be located behind the Holliday House Museum, earlier in the day.
The Fayetteville News
June 25, 1909
One of the most enjoyable occasions of the year was the anniversary of Hon. W.T. Glower's birthday which occurred at his home in Fayetteville Sunday. He celebrated his 78Th birthday and all his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were present. Fifty-five sat down to his hospitable board, which was filled with all the good things of the season. He received many handsome presents and the occasion was one long to be remembered.
Mr. J.H. Farr, formerly of this County, but now a resident of Campbell Co. was on our streets Tuesday. Mr. Farr is approaching his 80Th birthday.
Constitution of C.S.A.
Historic documentation on exhibition in the Library of Congress
Original copy loaned to the Government by J.W. De Renne of Savannah, Ga.
Washington D.C.-There has been deposited in the Library of Congress and placed on exhibition in the manuscripts division, the original " Constitution of the Confederate States of America."
The Constitution was adapted on March 11, 1861, by the Confederate Congress at Montgomery, Alabama.
Upon the evacuation of Richmond, was sent with other papers further south, where it was rescued by Mr. F.G. Defontaine, at Chester S.C. from a band of looters.
Mr. Defontaine kept this and other documents for some years and in 1883, it passed into the hands of Mrs. G.W.J. De Renne, whose son, Mr. W.J. De Renne, of Savannah, Ga. now owns it, and has recently deposited it as a loan with the Library of Congress.
Atlanta, Ga.-The population of Ga. at the present time approximates 3,000,000 persons.
- Researched and submitted by C.B. Glover
Saturday, April 5, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" October 1, 1909
Saturday, March 29, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" April 30, 1909
Saturday, March 22, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" November 26, 1909
November 26,1909
On account of high priced oil, I am making a liberal exchange for seed. Don't wait to late.
Mr. H.G. Gilbert has accepted a place with the Farmers and Merchants Bank in Senoia.. Howard is an
excellent boy and we feel sure will fill his place with credit to himself and town.
Miss Essie Green, of near New Hope, and Mr. Marcus Brown, of Ebenezer, were married here last Sunday
by Judge S.B. Lewis. We wish them a pleasant journey through life.
Last Saturday the twelve year old boy of Pink Murphey while removing saw dust from the mill of H.N. Cargile,
had his hand caught in the saw and it was necessary to amputate his right hand above the wrist.
He is doing nicely.
Mr.T.M. McGough, of this place, and Miss Lizzie Walker of Turin, were happily married at the brides home in
Turin last Sunday.
Mr W.J. Stevens formerly of this place, but of late years a resident of Atlanta, died in Atlanta Tuesday after
suffering from heart failure. His remains were brought here Wednesday evening and entered in the
cemetery. He was married to Miss Annie Travis of this place
Death of Mr. John Coleman
Mr. John Coleman died at his home near Fife last Friday after an illness of several months. Mr. Coleman
was born about one mile south of this place, June 20, 1839, and lived in the county all his life.
He enlisted in Co. I, 10th Ga. Regiment June 12,1861, and was in every battle of his company except 2.
He was captured 3 days before the surrender at Salem Creek. He was married to Miss A.R. Thornton Oct. 27,
1868. His remains were placed in the Thornton Cemetery near his old homestead.
Uncle Lewis Middlebrooks was in town Monday. He is near 100 years old and walked several miles and
did not seem the least tired. He has lived in the county 60 or 70 years and bids fair to live many years yet.

Sunday, March 16, 2008
"Today in Fayetteville" October 8, 1909
Today in Fayetteville, Oct. 8, 1909
Home Affairs
For Sale--One good piano, in good condition.
Mrs. S.R. Adams
Fayetteville, Ga.
Phone # 62
J.J. Davis and C.W. Martin have bough the furniture store of Charles Graves and will do business under the name of Davis and Martin. These are both good business men and no doubt will give our city an up-to-date furniture store..
E.A. Huckaby came very near losing his life last Monday evening. He was having a new well dug on his premises and went down into the well shortly after they had used a charge of dynamite. He succumbed at once from heart failure and asphyxiation. It was difficult to get him out and his life was was dispaired of for some time after landing on Terra firma. However he is doing nicely at present.
Messrs. James Milam and Otis Stephens have purchased themselves a new buggy. Look out girls..
Last Monday your "uncle Primas" had occasion to drive through the county, Some distance in our route came in contact with two or three automobiles. On account of our "Quadruped" being exceedingly shy of those machines, we always had to either quit the road or detach said quadraped from our vehicle. Now we believe those owning horses and mules have a good right on the public highway as those who are able to own automobiles. And the fore said owners of horses and mules are the ones who pay public taxes and keep the public highway in passable condition. Therefore be it resolved by us that we keep our road and force the auto riders to build themselves a highway exclusive from those the honorable public are using..
Researched and submitted by CB Glover
Source: The Fayetteville News